Healthy and Tasty Salmon Meals For Busy People on the Go – Quick and Easy Recipes

Finding the time to serve your family healthy, nutritious meals is not easy these days. Busy people who are always on the go would find quick and easy salmon recipes to be an excellent choice. Busy people who are always on the go would find quick and easy salmon recipes to be an excellent choice.  .

You have 3 recipes to try here.

Quick And Easy Baked Salmon

One salmon steak or fillet.

Between 1/2 and 1/3 cup of milk or half and half

Half a teaspoon of basil salt.

Set the oven to 350 degrees to preheat it. Put the fish in a shallow baking dish and pour milk or half and half over it until the fish is partially submerged. Add a sprinkling of basil and salt. Put the fish in a shallow baking dish and pour milk or half and half over it until the fish is partially submerged. When the center of the fish is mostly pale pink, it is done.

Quick And Easy Salmon Patties

One can of salmon.

Half a cup of flour

One and a half teaspoons of baking powder.

One-third of a cup of minced onion

Stir the fish, onion and egg together until the mixture becomes sticky. Mix in the flour. Mix the baking powder into the salmon juice. Mix until it becomes frothy, then add it to the salmon combination. Shape the mixture into patties. Fry the patties in 1 1/2 cup of Crisco oil until they are golden brown.

Quick and Easy Salmon Stew

One can of salmon.

1 can of tomato soup

Seven strips of bacon.

Between two and four cups of chopped onions.

Add 7 diced potatoes, salt, and pepper.

Cook the bacon in a skillet. Heat the onions in the residual fat until they become soft. Next, add the potatoes and cover them with water. Simmer the dish, covered, until it is finished cooking. Mix together the flour, salt and pepper, and then add in the salmon, crumbled bacon and tomato soup. If desired, you can add milk and seasonings.

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